22. William Gordon Hiscocks (William, William John, John, John, unknown) was born Christian Malford, Wiltshire 8/11/1925. William died 5/02/2000 in Royal UnitedHosp, Bath, at 74 years of age. His body was interred 14/02/2000 in All Saints Christian Malford, Wiltshire.
He married Doris Margret Ball in Ashbury, Berkshire, 1/06/1950. Doris was born Lower IdstoneFarm, Idstone, Wilts 15/05/1927. Doris was the daughter of Henry George Ball and Susan Ann Jenkins. Doris died12/02/2004 in Royal United Hostpital, Bath, England, at 76 years of age.
William Gordon Hiscocks and Doris Margret Ball had the following children:
Charlotte Ann Hiscocks (still alive).
William Henry George Hiscocks (still alive).
Charles Michael Hiscocks (still alive).
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