4. John Hiscocks (John, unknown) was born in Purton, Swindon, Wiltshire 3/02/1819. John died 16/12/1897 in unknown,at 78 years of age. His body was interred 17/12/1897 in All Saints Church, Christian Malford, Wiltshire.
He married Mary (Hiscocks). Mary was born Christian Malford, Wiltshire 7/02/1822. Marydied 30/08/1889 in unknown, at 67 years of age. Her body was interred 31/08/1889 in All Saints Church, Christian Malford,Wiltshire.
He was listed as head of household in the 1851 census in Farm, Christian Malford, Wiltshire.(6) He was listed as head of household in the 1861 census in Hiscocks Farm, Christian Malford, Wiltshire.(7) He was listedas head of household in the 1881 census in Broad Hinton, Wiltshire.
John Hiscocks and Mary (Hiscocks) had the following children:
+ 5 i. William John Hiscocks was born 24/11/1846.
6 ii. Martha Hiscocks was born Christian Malford, Wiltshire 11/08/1848. Martha died 9/03/1875 in Date?, at26 years of age. Her body was interred 10/03/1875 in All Saints Church, Christian Malford, Wiltshire.
7 iii. Sarah Jane Hiscocks was born Christian Malford, Wiltshire 10/08/1850. Sarah died 21/05/1923 inunknown, at 72 years of age. Her body was interred 22/05/1923 in All Saints Church, Christian Malford, Wiltshire.
+ 8 iv. Richard Hiscocks was born 4/10/1852.
+ 9 v. John Henry Hiscocks was born 8/10/1854.
10 vi. James Baker Hiscocks was born 17/06/1856.
11 vii. Mary Matilda Hiscocks was born Christian Malford, Wiltshire 19/07/1860.
12 viii. Robert Hiscocks was born 01/1863. Robert died 2/03/1865 in unknown, at 2 years of age. His body wasinterred 3/03/1865 in All Saints Church, Christian Malford, Wiltshire.
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