16. Richard Hippisley (George, William) was born 1753. Richard died 9/05/1786 at 32 years of age. His body was interred14/05/1786 in Chewton Mendip, Somerset, England.
He married Martha Hippisley 28/12/1775. Martha was born 1751. Martha was the daughter ofWilliam Hippisley and Martha unknown. She was baptized in Yatton, Somerset, England, 26/07/1751. Religion:religion unknown.
He was baptized in Chewton Mendip, Somerset, England, 10/09/1753. Religion: religion unknown.
Richard Hippisley and Martha Hippisley had the following child:
Ann Hippisley was born 7/01/1777. Ann died 1835 at 58 years of age.Her body was interred 13/03/1835 in Chewton Mendip, Somerset, England. She married LamrockCurtis in Chewton Mendip, Somerset, England, 1/02/1798. Lamrock was born in Chewton Mendip, Somerset, England28/04/1774. Lamrock was the son of James Curtis and Susanna Anstee. Lamrock died 30/01/1819 in Chewton Mendip, Somerset,England, at 44 years of age. He was baptized in Chewton Mendip, Somerset, England, 23/05/1774. Religion: religionunknown. (See Lamrock Curtis for the continuation of this line.)
She was baptized in Chewton Mendip, Somerset, England, 24/01/1777. Religion: religion unknown.
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